Friday, September 5, 2008

What a week! (6 weeks old)

Jackson dressed by Daddy and ready to go with
his Grams and Grandpa
Madeline dressed by Daddy and ready to go with
her Grams and Grandpa
"Pop" visiting Matthew in the hospital This week has been very challenging. Monday morning we had to take the triplets to the emergency room. Each of them had an issue or two. Matthew was the worse. He had a high fever, stopped eating and lethargic. The result was Madeline and Jackson was sent home with medication and Matthew had to be admitted at Children's Hospital. It was hard watching Marcus take them home. Being apart from them and the stress of not having a diagnosis of Matthew's condition was difficult. Matthew was hospitalized for 4 days. I stayed with him at the hospital while the logistics of care taking for the other two were handled by their father and grandparents. I'm glad to report that Matthew is feeling better. We still do not know if he had a viral or bacterial infection but he was treated aggressively for both. So the only problem we have with each of them is that they have diaper rash and thrush. All in all we are just trying to get back to what we consider normal day to day living. I thought I was sleep deprived having three babies but being in a hospital, monitoring everything they do to your child around the clock has caused a new level of sleep deprivation. That's all for now the kids are resting in their beds and I'm going to try and get a bit of laundry done.


Papa the Extraordinaire said...

Madeline and Jackson keep you up all day and night. Its unimaginable to think of bottles, diapers and screaming from three at the same time. My little girl and Marcus have my humble admiration.


Papa the Extraordinaire said...

I almost forgot. It goes this way. You mix the formula. You change a poopy diaper. You feed them a third of the formula. You burp them and do the same thing for the rest of the formula. You wipe their mouths because they of course spit up. You change the poopy diaper again. If they sleep fine. If not you must prop them up so that they can survey the room, watch tv or my favorite, stare at me listening to every word I say. The process repeats itself in three hours maybe. I still would not exchange them or the experience for anything in the world.
