Matthew's Update: He's doing much better. Had an extreme case of gas that OTC pedi-meds could not help. With the new script he's a much more pleasant baby.
On Friday they were all weighed and measured and the results were
19 in 6lbs. 12oz
19 in 6lbs. 12oz

Many wonder what it's like to have multiples. I can tell you from my limited weeks of experience it requires organization and extreme time managment. Many things are trial and error. When I find something that works, I run with it! Marcus and I decided that I would not return to work after the birth of the triplets until both the triplets and me are ready. So our days usually something like this:
Feeding Schedule (Dad handles any feedings between 8pm-12:30am and Mom does the remaining feedings)
Madeline-12:15a, 3:50a, 6:30a, 10a, 1p, 3:30p, 8:55p, 12:15a, 2:10a, 6:30a, 9:30a
Jackson-1:20a, 4:30a, 8:30a, 11:30a, 1:40p, 4:00p, 8:30p, 10:50p, 1:50a, 4::30a, 7:40a
Matthew-1:50a, 5:00a, 8:00a, 11:00, 2:30p, 5p, 8p, 11:55p, 2:40a, 6:30a, 10a
Dad leaves for work at 5:30am and arrives from his commute at 7:30pm.
In between 1am-4am I do the following:
- Eat breakfast
- Wash & Dry clothing
- Take a shower
- Clean an area of the house
- Make a batch of formula (12 4oz bottles for half a day)
We change approximately 40-45 diapers and 70 wipes per 24 hours. We go through 1 12.9 oz can of powder formula per day.
Well that's all for now babies are crying!